Homes for Sale near Starpoint School







Student/Teacher Ratio



The Starpoint School at TCU is a laboratory school that provides children with learning disabilities, ages six to eleven, the opportunity to reach their educational potential with the help of TCU faculty, staff, and students. 

The goal of the school is to offer an individualized educational program to help students build their academic strengths, develop positive attitudes, and prepare for educational advancement. Starpoint School heavily focuses on organizational and study skill acquisition to help provide students with tools for their educational future. 

School founders, M.J. and Alice S. Neeley, believed it was important to have a school where children with learning disabilities can learn and university students can teach them. Because of this, the facility serves as an on-campus site for TCU College of Education students to receive training while working with Starpoint students.

Listings from within the school’s zip code as well as the closest, surrounding zip codes are included in the listing results here. 

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