Homes for Sale near St Andrew Catholic School


PK - 8





Student/Teacher Ratio



Saint Andrew Catholic School is the parish school for the community of Saint Andrew Catholic Church located near TCU on the southwest side of Fort Worth, Texas.  We are the largest elementary school in the Fort Worth Diocese with an enrollment of 640 students in preschool through 8th grade and 73 staff members. 

The ministry of Catholic education is the fulfillment of the educational mission of the Catholic Church and has as its primary goal the continuous formation of the Christian person. Diocesan-wide curriculum guides are followed to meet and to challenge the talents and abilities of all students.

Religious Education
Religious education and formation are provided on a daily basis.

Core Curriculum
The core curriculum includes instruction in: Religion, language arts, math, science and social studies.

Enrichment Courses
Enrichment courses include art, music, computer, Think(STEM), physical education and foreign language instruction.

Students are provided opportunities to develop basic academic and physical skills, to pursue knowledge, and to critically study and analyze the world in which they live.

Listings from within the school’s zip code as well as the closest, surrounding zip codes are included in the listing results here. 

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