Homes for Sale near Key School

Fort Worth Private Schools

7950 John T White Road
Fort Worth, TX 76120
(817) 446-3738


K - 12





Student/Teacher Ratio



Key School and Training Center offers cutting-edge programs to meet the needs of the 78,000 children with learning differences in Tarrant County. For students with learning differences, their families, our staff, and other educators, we believe our innovate programs unlock learning success.

The inspired dream for education, training, and advocacy to be housed in one central location has become a reality. On the new, sprawling 12-acre campus at 7950 John T. White, there is a two-story school and third-floor Training Center. Children, therapists, educators, and
families will find themselves at home in the natural space that provides a nurturing, calming learning environment large enough to expand existing programs. 

Listings from within the school’s zip code as well as the closest, surrounding zip codes are included in the listing results here. 

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